Free Primary Worksheets

Click on each image for a free download! Remember to introduce these characters to your students by reading Harmony Woods: Penny and Freddy Search High and Low!

On the piano, or with your voice, sing a high note and then a low note. Have the students use their ears to identify if a note is high or low. Read the book Harmony Woods, Penny and Freddy Search High and Low to teach the difference between high and low sounds. Use this High and Low Colouring Page, and have the students colour the elephant Betty Bass (low on the ground) when they hear a low note, and colour the monkey Trevor Treble (high in the tree) when they hear a high note.  Play examples of different instruments that play high or low sounds (example a flute plays high notes, a Tuba plays low notes.) Use the Instrument Guides by the Philharmonia Orchestra on YouTube to highlight different instruments.

Clap and say the rhythm ta ta ti-ti ta. Have the students clap back with assistance. Try different combinations of ta and ti-ti. Ensure that you always group the rhythms in 4 or 2 beat bars to prepare your students for the concept of meter. Introduce quarter note and eighth note (two eighth notes together are connected by a beam) symbols. Draw different combinations of ta and ti-ti symbols on the white board and encourage your students to read the pattern and clap along. Incorporate various percussion instruments to make it interesting! Colour this Colour By Note Penny Piano!

Add half notes and whole notes notes into the simple rhythmic patterns above. Play these patterns by clapping or with simple percussion instruments like drums, maracas or clave sticks. Use body percussion (ie stomp stomp clap-clap stomp – ta ta ti-ti ta) Ensure that you always group the rhythms in 4 or 2 beat bars to prepare your students for the concept of meter. Colour this Colour By Note Freddy Forte!